Personal protection flashlight recommended products for camping, hiking, and fishing
When camping, hiking, or fishing in the backcountry, a flashlight is essential. Nonlethaltools has personal protection flashlights that will also protect you.
Wildlife will not typically harm you. Black bears in particular are flight animals similar to whitetail deer. Unlike grizzly bears, black bears don’t often kill other animals for their food. Mountain lions would be the only other animal that occasionally attacks humans. Most of the time the lion misidentifies the human as another animal.
However, I like to be protected when I go into the woods as well as the city. Our Pepperball weapons are the perfect solution for both. If I were attacked by a wild animal it’s likely by mistake and if possible I would rather not kill the animal. The same goes for humans.
When you are camping you need personal protection flashlights and our mobile unit is the perfect solution. It is a flashlight that holds three pepper balls that will stop an animal in their tracks and turn them around.
The TCP tucked safely into one of our leg bags gives you 12 rounds of stopping power with additional storage for your adventure. You won’t even know you have it on.