Easy to use and simple to operate self-defense solutions
PepperBall Launchers • Leg Bags
Holsters • Accessories
Pepperball Launchers are Safer Around Children Than Firearms
We currently have four launcher options; a rifle, pistol and two hand held compact styles. The PepperBall air powered launchers deploy a PAVA 5% Pepper Powder-filled projectile which, upon impact, will burst releasing a pepper cloud which incapacitates a threat. Also available for use with Pepperball launchers are inert Baby Powder Filled projectiles which can be used for practice or as an initial round to be fired as a warning shot.
Non Lethal Self Defense Tools. Not a firearm, no background check, no waiting period.
Purchasing and using pepperball launchers from Non Lethal Security Solutions is a great form of protection, and even a bit of fun. Watch our demonstration videos to learn about each of our launchers, how to use them, shoot them, load them and even practice firing them. We’ve endeavored to cover every subject a new or potential Non Lethal Security Solutions owner may wonder about, and we’re not finished yet!
New subjects will be covered on an ongoing basis so… stay tuned! If you are a fan of Youtube please be sure to subscribe to our Channel


Non Lethal Self Defense Ammunition Tips from Mark Peterson
The VXR rounds fly straighter, farther and are much harder hitting than the standard round pepperballs. That is why I use only VXR rounds in my TCP and VKS for self defense. The red hard plastic rounds are great for honing shooting skills and it’s just fun to shoot them. It’s affordable because they are reusable. Once in a while one might get stuck or turned in the barrel; simply remove it. If it is damaged, do not reuse it. It does happen once in a while but is not a big issue. I shoot these things all the time at a rubber target that you can pick up in local stores. The flat rubber targets are great, there is no ricochet.
When you are using this ammunition for home defense, it is always a bonus if you don’t have to shoot the actual pepper in your home affecting carpet and the air filtration. If you need to shoot it for self-defense, by all means keep pulling the trigger and shoot the pepper if needed! A couple of hard hitting VXR Inert rounds should do the trick to deter an invader.